Coronavirus and the Neurological Side Effects of COVID-19
Coronavirus cases are still occurring and may become more prevalent as we head into winter and flu season. COVID-19 infection can cause long-term brain and motor function problems. See a neurologist if you have trouble recovering from COVID-19 its or its variations.

Neuropathy: Signs, Symptoms, and How it is Affected by COVID-19
Neuropathy can be a serious condition and requires medical attention from a neurologist.

Experiencing Dizziness? 4 Instances of Dizziness and Why You Should See a Neurologist
Dizziness can be felt in many ways. It can encompass the feeling…

Update of Neurological Symptoms Showing in COVID-19 Patients
Recent Findings illustrate that COVID-19 is far more than a respiratory…

Your Neurology Specialist Shares Neurological Symptoms of COVID-19
According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information…